kls Something else you should know about your bloodhound is that they don't always see very well, you know how all that floppy skin hangs over their eyes. As human we believe what we see, because our eyesight is very acute. You've herd the expression "seeing is believing". Well, the bloodhound lives in the world of scent, in their little minds it is "smelling is believing" A game we would play when we did demos for kids and other groups. I would ask for a volunteer to blow up a balloon. Then I would take the balloon, and I would release the air from the balloon onto a sterile gauss pad that I would then seal into an air tight plastic bag. Next I would let the person stand anywhere in the middle of the group. I would then get my hound "Missy" out of the truck and open the bag and let her smell the pad, Missy would then find the person in the crowd and sit on their foot. We did this over 100 times and she never missed. I guess the lesson in all of this is, we can't begin to understand how much information they can get with there nose, because we get it with our eyes. One more war story. One day I was at a friends' house (who was a policeman in his town) training my dog, when he got a call about a church near town that was robbed of over $1,600.00 dollars. He thru us into the back of his truck and took us to the scene (don't you love the timing, "we just happen to be in the neighborhood") A witness at the scene (no not a JW) said that the man dropped something out of his back pocket as he fled on foot. It turned out to be a terry cloth hand towel, the perfect scent article. After a whiff of the towel we trailed to a wooded area (about 1/4 mile). Where un be known to me, the guy was hiding and counting the money. When he saw us coming, he took off all his clothes and his shoes I guess he thought that would slow us down. IT DIDN'T! When we caught the guy, all he had on was his underpants & and the money in his socks. He was so scared! He kept yelling "don't hurt me I'm an addict! I'm an addict!" It was hot (over 90) that day too, and with all the slobber, he must have thought that God sent the hound from hell to get him. I found out later that this was at least the 14th time he had done this at different churches. Can you tell I love to talk Dog Maybe I'll write a book some day D Dog
Deputy Dog
JoinedPosts by Deputy Dog
If you want to complicate your life get a bloodhound.
by kls inokay, this is kinnda a ranting thing here and i am taking deep breaths as to not kill my dog.
my son and i planted 5 trees today in my yard, ya ,lots of work and it was cold and very windy and it took about 2hrs.
well big deal you may say, well it is cause i went out later and the f---dog dug them up .i walked outside and saw all my trees laying on the ground.
If you want to complicate your life get a bloodhound.
by kls inokay, this is kinnda a ranting thing here and i am taking deep breaths as to not kill my dog.
my son and i planted 5 trees today in my yard, ya ,lots of work and it was cold and very windy and it took about 2hrs.
well big deal you may say, well it is cause i went out later and the f---dog dug them up .i walked outside and saw all my trees laying on the ground.
Deputy Dog
Well, you asked for it. Not all the searches ended with smiles, many (like murders, suicides and such) ended with tears. Most of them you probably wouldn't want to hear about anyway. But, the most heart warming for me was a search that happened early in our career (about 14 years ago). I received a call to search for a toddler that had been missing for over 2 hours. This was a little girl 19 months old, that learned to walk at 1 year and hike at 1&1/2. When we arrived on the scene there were literally hundreds of people looking for her with police dogs, horses, helicopters. After a good whiff of the baby's blanket It took about 10 minutes to trail the girl across a field of tall grass (about 3 feet high) to a woods on the other side (a total of about 1/2 mile), where we found that little hiker who had cried herself to sleep under a tree. I can't tell you how it made me feel to put her in her mothers arms. So after that, all the ruined gardens, shrubs, lawns, tools, walls with slobber, furniture, shoes, clothing and I don't know what else, It still seems worthwhile! It sure is fun to brag about your Dog D Dog
If you want to complicate your life get a bloodhound.
by kls inokay, this is kinnda a ranting thing here and i am taking deep breaths as to not kill my dog.
my son and i planted 5 trees today in my yard, ya ,lots of work and it was cold and very windy and it took about 2hrs.
well big deal you may say, well it is cause i went out later and the f---dog dug them up .i walked outside and saw all my trees laying on the ground.
Deputy Dog
You're right Bloodhounds do complicate your life. The reason I like to raise and train bloodhounds is there incredible nose. And that is probably part of your tree planting problem. As crazy as this may sound your dog wants to know why your scent is underground or what you buried, he (or she) is a typically curios bloodhound.
I have had amazing things happen to me as a result of owning bloodhounds, we have tracked down every thing from babies to bank robbers over the last 16 years.
I know they're hard to live with (come to think about it, so is my wife) but I wouldn't want to be without either one (wife or bloodhound, that is). Although my last hound died a year ago. (I will be looking for a puppy soon).
May God bless you and your hound.
D Dog
If you want to complicate your life get a bloodhound.
by kls inokay, this is kinnda a ranting thing here and i am taking deep breaths as to not kill my dog.
my son and i planted 5 trees today in my yard, ya ,lots of work and it was cold and very windy and it took about 2hrs.
well big deal you may say, well it is cause i went out later and the f---dog dug them up .i walked outside and saw all my trees laying on the ground.
Deputy Dog
I train Bloodhounds for search and rescue, they are smart, but, they're also the most bullheaded of all breeds. They don't make the best pets. I have owned 2
D Dog
PS If you want some help send me a PM
Jesus Christ - The Passion
by Sirona ini'm in the uk and we haven't seen the passion of the christ yet.. however, i just watched it.
quite frankly i was astounded and moved.
i cried and cried.
Deputy Dog
One of my favorite parts of the movie was when they released Barabas! You go from laughter, when he sticks his tongue out at the roman soldiers, to having your heart ripped out when he sees the pathetic broken Jesus who is about to die in his place. That really makes you stop and think!
D Dog
Even if a God did exist, there are no absolutes
by logansrun inthere is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a god did exist.
god's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
might does not make right.
Deputy Dog
Absolute certainty in anything is a myth with the possible exception of mathematics and formal logic.
Are you saying that there may be "SOME" absolutes?
D Dog
Even if a God did exist, there are no absolutes
by logansrun inthere is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a god did exist.
god's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
might does not make right.
Deputy Dog
For once, I'm with ya!
D Dog
Even if a God did exist, there are no absolutes
by logansrun inthere is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a god did exist.
god's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
might does not make right.
Deputy Dog
I think God has the absolute perfect perspective. So I hope you don't mind if I take His word over yours.
D Dog
Even if a God did exist, there are no absolutes
by logansrun inthere is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a god did exist.
god's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
might does not make right.
Deputy Dog
You just proved my point. That makes absolutely no sense at all!
Even if a God did exist, there are no absolutes
by logansrun inthere is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a god did exist.
god's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
might does not make right.
Deputy Dog
I think its called stupid! If there are no absolutes, how do you know if you're in touch with reality?
D Dog